Latvian Academy of Culture

Dr. Ieva Zemīte is a programme director of the Latvian Academy of Culture and Riga Technical University joint academic post-graduate study programme “Creative Industries and Growth Mindset”.
Currently Ieva works as an associate professor and a senior researcher at the Latvian Academy of Culture. She is the project leader of a scientific research project “Creative Industries in Small Towns: Potential and Contributions to Sustainability” and a project co-leader, a member of the Steering Committee of the project “Imagining Sustainable Glass Network Europe/ ISGNE” founded by Creative Europe. For several years she has been participating as member of an evaluation jury of University of Latvia Students Business incubator and LIAA Creative Industries incubator.
Ieva is an experienced mentor, since 2016 mentoring at the University of Latvia Student Business Incubator. She has implemented mentorship principles in the MA study courses “Cultural Entrepreneurship” and „Growth in creative industries“. Ieva is a member of the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI).

Since 2019 Vita Dumpe is a development project manager in the Latvian Academy of Culture (LAC), mainly working with projects financed by European Social Fund and European Regional Development Fund. The projects she is leading are aiming at improvement of the content of the existing study programmes in LAC and their alignment with the needs of the sector, development of scientific activity in LAC, development of the competencies of academic and managerial staff and other.
Vita has studied at the University of Latvia (MA in Philology) and at Randolph Macon Woman’s College, USA. Prior to joining the Latvian Academy of Culture for 7 years she has worked in an NGO advocating better access to medicines and rational use of medicines in Latvia.
Recently Vita Dumpe has been one of the key persons to launch a new mentorship pilot programme in LAC.