The 3rd Transnational Project Meeting took place from 2 to 3 December 2021 in Bilbao, organized and hosted by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU. It was a very special meeting as for the first time in the life span of the REMAM project, it took place physically so that the partners could finally see and meet ecahother face to face! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, some members could not travel, therefore the event was held in a hybrid format, and those present, kept all the prescribed health measures.
In these two hardworking days, we had the opportunity to develop a common understanding of how to deal with the critical concepts of the project across different intellectual outputs and activities. All of us were really happy to finally meet each other and we had plenty of time to discuss our contribution to the project based on the work done during these last months since the LTTA2 in June 2021.
REMAM has now a well defined model aimed at bridging the gap between higher education institutions and Cultural and Creative Industries and is ready to develop useful tools. Mentoring is called to close the gap and engage mentors and mentees during the life course of the formation of students. The model explicitly considers the spatial and territory dimension of this process related to CCIs, as well as the whole stakeholders map, the communities of practice and principles as co-creation, equity, diversity and sustainability.
The common understanding and the summary of the model proposed by REMAM was a fruitful starting point for the cocreation sessions of the chapters of the book. Participants engaged in the sessions in which we first shared the proposals and then started drafting the materials for the book.
The territorial dimension of CCIs is a strategic point in the REMAM model, and Zorrozaurre, the Creative Island in Bilbao, was the case that we worked and walked during this workshop. The participants visited the place and the School of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU located currently just in from of the island, with future plans to enlarge its presence to the knowledge hub that is developing in the area.
The exact schedule of the meeting is available here and the materials used here.